Top 10k strings from Last Word, The v2.1 (1986)(Saga Systems).tap
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4 disk[1-4]: 3 "TLW64CODE" 2 ;"TLW64CODE" 2 "TLW64BASIC" 1 ~The Last Word ...~ 1 ~TLW64BASIC~ 1 your time and don't be afraid to experiment, after all you 1 you will be able to add Headers, merge data files, chain 1 xwvmkZYXWVTNK7% 1 work with you. 1 word, line, sentence or page, where ever you wish. 1 with practice you will find that there is very little you 1 will be able to control the way your text looks - with 1 will be a while before you can use them to the full. Take 1 whilst printing, or even run a selected line of Basic. 1 what you can achieve with "The Last Word ..." (and some 1 wafa[1-2]: 1 w+w+w+<w+w 1 virtually any printer and it would be faithfully reproduced. 1 via a suitable interface, can be as simple - or as complex - 1 utline:eO Markers:eV CAPS/lc:c2 Chrs/ln:EV 1 urs-lt:c5 Curs-rt:c8 Curs-up:c7 Curs-dn:c6 1 this is double-struck, 1 the printer (use 'eT' for a list and Symbol-shift 'Q' to 1 t$=" ": 1 style or perform a specific function. 1 sty-ln:EJ Cpct-ln:EL Rfm-par:ER 1 st/rgd:eJ W-wr/sp:eW Case>ln:E2 Incld-$:EI 1 square) around the screen. Four of these methods, using the 1 sample text so that you can play around with the numerous 1 rnt-tx:eP Prnt-gd:eG Tokn-pg:eT Catalog:eC 1 ragged edges, like this letter - with smooth edges or even 1 printng on and then off: 1 printer, output call 1 pressing 5, 6, 7 or 8 on the older style Spectrum simply 1 p-1-ln:E3 Dn-1-ln:E4 Tab-key:c1 PCT-key:sI 1 p$=" Standard PCT prefix = ": 1 p$;"(none)" 1 ord-lt:c3 Word-rt:c4 Sent-rt:sW Goto-ln:eN 1 ol<1st:E5 Col>end:E8 Page-TL:E7 Page-BL:E6 1 oad-tx:eL Save-tx:eS Eras-fl:eE Format :eF 1 nsert :eI Txt<<mv:sQ mv>>Txt:sE >>Txt<<:EH 1 move the cursor in the appropriate direction. 1 mess things up). 1 mdv [1-8]: 1 letter | 1 l-1'st:eA Fl-last:eZ Up-a-pg:eU Dn-a-pg:eD 1 is designed to be very simple to use. For example there are 1 is a useful reminder to make regular back-up copies of your 1 have complete control to create a masterpiece (or really 1 h$="No: Label: Control tokens: ": 1 g;"' (";g;")" 1 following sentance has two PCT's to switch "Double-strike" 1 f;"' (";f;")";: 1 escape), include a Basic string variable within your text 1 ept-tx:eR Kill-tx:eK Exch-tx:eX Word-ct:EW 1 complex program which uses the Spectrum to the full, and yet 1 commands). 1 clock - which can be set for one minute to over four hours - 1 character that they affect. When the cursor is moved onto a 1 certain things. What they do is entirely up to you so you 1 centered (like the paragraph above). 1 can't break a printer by giving it odd codes. With practice 1 can not do. The more you work with "TLW" the more it will 1 can also insert the result into the text file; the alarm 1 c;"' ";c;"-" 1 by reversing the ink and paper colours of the first 1 at the begining of the manual and work though it. Soon you 1 as you like. Up to this point the letter could be sent to 1 arrow keys on a Spectrum Plus or holding down Caps-shift and 1 arg-lt:eM Marg-rt:EM Tab/int:ET Colours:EB 1 ap-chr:c0 Zap>>ln:c9 Zap>>fl:E9 Zap-all:EZ 1 and this is not ! 1 and an alarm clock. The calculator can be used on its own or 1 alc'tr:EC Tmr-set:EX Quit-it:sQ >>Basic:eB 1 [Use/Next/Quit] ? 1 [Revise/Print/Quit] ? 1 [Find/Subst/Quit] ? 1 ZAP to CTL ? [y] 1 Yes, line 1 WAFA2CODE 1 Up into TLW ... 1 Tokens (PCT's) which can be used to tell the printer to do 1 The complexity arises when you want the printer to change 1 Tape-on/key! 1 Tape [0] or 1 TLW64CODE K 1 TLW64BASICD 1 TLW2B 1 TLW2.DATA 1 TLW2 1 TLW Issue 2 1 Spacing Copies 1 Screen and print translation lists. 1 Print copy no 1 Press the down arrow to scroll this letter up the screen. 1 PCT it's function is displayed at the top of the screen. The 1 OPUS2CODE 1 No:Label:Control tokens. 1 Line-print the Print Control Token page. 1 Line-print the Command Summary page. 1 Line No: 1 Kempston lines 1 KDOS2CODE 1 Issue 2.1 1986 1 INCLUDE string 1 GRDN2CODE 1 Found! New? [y] 1 EFGHJMQRSUWXYZ 1 Cursor at 1 CATALOGUE 1 CALCULATOR 1 Back into TLW ... 1 B^ Basic line 1 BPrint-in 1 BETA2CODE 1 @PCT prefix 1 @ bytes 1 ;'"Select list 1 or 2 (or 0 = stop)then line to be modified."''" " 1 ;"line ";e: 1 ;"TLW64BASIC" 1 ;"List ";d: 1 ;"Line length -",l: 1 ;"LOAD from -", 1 ;"Input halted": 1 ;"File-name -",f$ 1 ;"File size -",l;" bytes" 1 ;"Change '"; 1 ;"2. Printer" 1 ;"1. Screen"; 1 ;" ** SAGA SYSTEMS LIMITED **", 1 19 different ways you can move the cursor (the flashing 1 - Print calls etc 1 - LET Basic variables 1 * SAGA SYSTEMS LIMITED * 1 );("~spill~" 1 );" markers" 1 (print one after the other) text files and much more. 1 ''"File ~marked~, will re-SAVE withsame name/new length ";l 1 '"Start your tape": 1 '"Revising the text-file now" 1 '"Getting file": 1 "microdrive ";s 1 "]\w#6$#6= 1 "Which line (1-8) ? ";e: 1 "To insert -",("~firm~" 1 "TLW64BASIC has LOAD'ed"'"Now CLEAR'ed to 29999 and","LOAD'ing TLW64CODE"''"[this is 75 bytes long at 65000]": 1 "Original line-length ? "''l 1 "Original file size ?"'"(TLW ... can tell you)"''l 1 "List 1 or 2 ? ";d: 1 "LOAD from tape [0] or from","microdrive [1 1 "Is this all OK ? [y] ";z$ 1 "Insert ~firm markers~ [y] ?"'"else ~spills~"''z$ 1 "File to LOAD ? [ENTER to stop]"''f$ 1 "Correct data [y] ? ";a$: 1 "Basic program to revise non-TLW ~CODE~ text-files to ~marked~ format" 1 "9";" ";l$;" "; 1 "6";"~The Last Word ...~", 1 "34";"The Last Word ..."; 1 "34";" Command key-set"'" ==================================="' 1 "34"+"The Last Word ..."+ 1 "34"+" printer control token file content.": 1 "'To' code (32-127) ? ";g: 1 "'From' code (32-127) ? ";f: 1 " =======================================================" 1 " 'TLW ...' translation lists"'" ==========================="'''; 1 " SAGA SYSTEMS LIMITED"'" [c] Myrmidon Software 1986"'" ==========================": 1 c=c/shift s=s/shift e=extended E=e+s/shift 1 Printer on 1 Myrmidon Software. 1 Myrmidon Software 1986",: 1 Myrmidon Software 1986 1 Myrmidon Software '86 All rights reserved 1 This letter is intended to give you a brief insight into 1 This is plain, 1 These are just some of the things you can do with "TLW", 1 The simplest way to learn about "TLW" is to use it, start 1 Print Control Tokens can be used to send control codes to 1 PCT's take no screen space at all, and show on the screen 1 Once you have written your text sending it to a printer, 1 In order to achieve this "TLW" uses Printer Control 1 Good Luck! 1 Dear Customer, 1 As you learn more about TLW you can move the cursor by 1 All these possibilities make "TLW" very versatile but it 1 "The Last Word ..." from now on known as "TLW", is a 1 "TLW" is unique in that it also has a built in calculator 1 you want, press 'E-Mode' (Caps-shift and 1 start entering a command by mistake you can escape 1 from it by holding Symbol-shift and pressing 'Q'. 1 at any time, if you can not remember what command 1 any key to return to the text - and that if you 1 Symbol-shift) followed by 'H' to display a Help 1 Page which shows all the commands - simply press 1 The two most important things to learn are that 1 Re: "The Last Word ..." 1 SAGA SYSTEMS LIMITED. 1 - 1